Squeaky Wheels, Grease, and...

I never fully understood my dad’s line, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Oh, I knew he meant that only when we mention a problem can we get it fixed.  Later, I learned a deeper meaning. A few years before returning to Temecula, back I bought a decent wheel barrow (in the pic above) from Home Depot and used it well. And roughly at times. After much abuse, it began "complaining." With no load, it squeaked. With a heavy load it veered to the side. And every day the tire lost air. So I followed Dad’s advice and…

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Suck It Up

Life can suck us dry. Home life. Work life. Economic life. Family life. Yeah, the list can go on. We get exhausted and have little to give. We need a break, some rest, like the lion above. A time to refill spiritually, emotionally, physically, relationally. And on occasion we can’t find, or create, a break. So, sometimes we need to suck it up. Not always, but sometimes. Here's why…

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An Impossible Mentor--Challenge 2

I’ve had a slew of mentors in my life, although many likely had no clue. I’d watch preachers who gave me tips as I listened, like Ron Keller. I followed the example of sales people, like Jim in real estate. I’ve found that certain apostles give me tips: Peter who taught me that impulsiveness can both bless and curse us: Paul who showed the rational and planning side of faith. Herb Read taught me the subsurface dimension of pastoring. Each had traits that exceeded my abilities in their arena, but I could see myself coming close to them. But did you notice the absence of one in that list? Jesus. I can’t…

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Another Step Beyond

On a family vacation to Gray’s Meadow on Independence Creek, dad took off fishing. A sandwich for lunch in his creel, and mom drove down before dinner to give him a ride back up the slope. My sister was maybe 11, me 12, and we decided to climb the big hill on the other side of the stream. The peak seemed close, but upon arriving we discovered it was maybe 100 yards more. That peak also wasn’t the peak…well, you get the picture. Like the hill and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, many goals are changing targets. Becoming godly is one of them.

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In His Image

A few years back someone in our high school class set up a Facebook page to prep for our upcoming reunion, which introduced me to Roland Peachie. This previously unknown classmate from decades back creates marvelous images with photographs. He posted a pic with these words, “…the new adapter came in today, not only infinity has been fixed (I’d never realized someone broke it) but my Macro is now about 6 feet closer, which I really like.. test shots show even a different background blur with the new adapter.” Must have been Latin he was speaking…

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Disciples Must Die

Many of us feel pulled in numerous directions. Family members and friends and bosses make requests and demands. More come from spiritual concerns, while our own desires call to us, to relax, succeed. We try to juggle them but drop as many as we catch. Then Jesus made it more difficult with an impossible demand, “Anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot…

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Dancing With The Devil

For too long, I justified myself with the excuse that dancing with the devil was justifiable—if I didn’t slow dance. I’d edge as close to overt sin as I could without stepping over the line. Close enough to get some pleasure, but not too close to get trapped, to have guilt overwhelm the good times. In high school days, how much physical contact with girls was acceptable before it became sin? That became more subtle as an adult, how much information could I withhold, without actually lying, to give myself an advantage? Or, while remaining a nice guy, what balance should I strike between serving others and using others to serve myself? These are just a few of many cases I could list. That was fast dancing with the devil. Some…

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