On a family vacation to Gray’s Meadow on Independence Creek, dad took off fishing. A sandwich for lunch in his creel, and mom drove down before dinner to give him a ride back up the slope. My sister was maybe 11, me 12, and we decided to climb the big hill on the other side of the stream. The peak seemed close, but upon arriving we discovered it was maybe 100 yards more. That peak also wasn’t the peak…well, you get the picture. Like the hill and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, many goals are changing targets. Becoming godly is one of them.
Read MoreSurrender
Following Jesus is a dance, of hopes, expectations, wondering and sometimes doubting. Just how much power does God have? Do our choices have consequences? Is there a key to unlocking God’s power in our lives?
Read MoreWhen Knowing Hurts Knowing
I lean to rationalism, with a decent desire to know more, to question, to search. Many verses encourage that spirit: test everything, study. But one quest to learn more about God damaged my faith. Here’s how, maybe you can relate.
Read MoreImperfect
Funny, how both optimists and pessimists claim they are the realists. Both have truth, and both tend to ignore the other dimension of reality. My pessimism forced me to choose to develop optimism to save my sanity…and perhaps my life. But how do we balance the realism of both troubles and good times?
Read MoreRoads Less Traveled
Those who follow my trips realize part of me loves to go fast, to cover a lot of miles in a day. That desire highlighted by an Iron Butt Ride, 1,080 miles in 16.3 hours, at 70 years. A trip like that maximizes the vastness and variety of the landscape in a short time. And yes, it’s a metaphor of destination, of accomplishment. But another part of me is…
Read MorePages Turning
Looking ahead, my spiritual vision is maybe 20/400. But looking back, it may approach 20/40. Maybe you’ve experienced the same—the past has more clarity than the future. Looking back, I see my bad decisions, my good ones. The times that God has gently nudged me in ways I didn’t comprehend until later. The times he took a figurative 2 x 4 to me. We can all benefit from looking back to gain a better insight into…
Read MoreStarting Fresh. Again
The cushy beds in the tent trailer at Convict Lake claimed my son-in-law and grandson as I rose alone at early dawn to entice a few trout in the creek. Yes, I caught a few. But better than the rainbows was the reminder of God’s patience. The crisp dry air of mountain mornings brings a unique freshness. Being immersed in God’s creation makes me…
Read MoreTranscendence--In All the Wrong Places
One of my closest lifetime friendships was forged in high school and college. Ken and I then both followed Jesus, both left, only I returned. Ken has trekked the world. His innate curiosity and hunger for knowledge has led him to many worship events, in many faiths. During one of our conversations on his yearly trip back to the states, he offered, “Worship is funny. I visit my parents’ evangelical Christian worship, or that of my Muslim friends, and they all look the same.” Ken saw an outer similarity, but missed…
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