I’ve seen this post multiple times, and can’t express how profoundly these words impact me. From Sir Winston Churchill as it claims? Likely not, but that’s immaterial. The purpose, often put up by people whom I know love Jesus, attempt to justify bad and offensive language by leaders and ourselves, and this can be from both political persuasions. However, this Unconventional rant is NOT political—but essentially spiritual. The question: do these words represent or oppose how Jesus and the Bible view words? Good words…
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Why Worship Together?
Many say they can worship God just as well at the beach, or the mountains, or the golf course. And, some of my most glorious worship occurs in the mountains. Immersed in the beauty of the world that God created, away from the overpowering touch of man, my ego shrinks as I get lost in God’s transcendence. But must we worship together?
Read MoreTo Cruise or Not to Cruise
need for speed. Frankly, that caused some cramping on long rides, and my third bike, a ’78 Goldwing, had a throttle lock that I loved. Get to the speed you want, set the throttle lock, and it held it there, saving your hand and wrist muscles. But when a hill arrived, you slowed down going up, and sped up going down. Not ideal! The first pic shows the throttle lock on my ST1300. Then I…
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LIghts Cameras Action
With your forbearance, this week’s post will depart from the pattern. Just a poem. A poem that expresses many of the concerns I’ve had for some time about the practice of our faith. A poem where I ask you to think, to pray, to ponder, to reflect. I would love to read your thoughts, either on Facebook or on the Unconventional site. Agree fully, disagree fully. Agree or disagree in part. Or questions. Concerns. Uncertainty. Yeah, pretty free wheelin’, like a long bike trip should be. What prompted this? We…
Read MoreTrust Not the Chip
On our recent east coast trip we left DC on a warm October morning heading for a Hampton Inn in Danbury CN, leading to our return flight in Boston. So I loaded the address into Waze on Sheila’s cell, those marvelous silicon chips did their work and spat out the directions, with a distance of 286 miles. I hit start and followed what it told us. I trusted Waze; she’d never led us wrong. But…
Read MoreMick on the left, in the redwoods
Five years back, Mick thought the right time had arrived to stop riding his bike. He looked back on many miles and a lot of trips with no problems, and a slew of great stories and memories. So he decided to quit while he was still ahead. To show his commitment, he gave his Honda Goldwing to his son-in-law. His riding days ended. But his wife…
Read MoreWhy Worship?
An encounter with a squirrel opened up an interesting discussion about God and worship.
During a friend’s retirement party, while standing under a tree and talking to another old friend, he gently mouthed, “Squirrel.” I slowly turned, about one foot from my face was who I later learned was Albert. Apparently he wanted some of the food so freely available, and I held a finger up for him to sniff. He promptly yet gently bit it, almost as if to say, “No, squirrel food. Please.” Quite used to humans, he never flinched when I reached down for my phone to snap some pics of him. He seemed to pose. But yet another brief conversation with the wife of another old friend…
Read MoreDodging Obstacles
Dodging Obstacles
On the recent Alaska ride, Mick, Brad and I visited the most majestic cathedral I’ve experienced. HiWay 1, NorCal, The Avenue of the Giants. We slowly cruised through the redwoods that crept to the edge of the road and provided a canopy of boughs that kept us cool. And in awe. Then Brad spotted a sideroad we’d never taken, Mattole Road to the Big Tree Grove, so we yielded to temptation. If HiWay 1 was narrow, Mattole was just a faint…
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