Most of us have heard the line attributed to Francis of Assisi, “Preach the gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.” I like it, and in telling people about Jesus, we need to have love for him and people for our words to have credibility. But I sometimes wonder if…
Read MoreSmiling Through the Tears
Tears come to us all. They accompany poor health, friction with people, unresolved sins and wrongs, economic hardship, death, floods and fires, culture and politics, the list could go on into eternity. Just one example, my community in SoCal is facing 8 of 10 days with temps over 100, maxing at 109. Three days ago, our power went out in the middle of the day for four hours—luckily we were on our way to the beach. But may we remember that Jesus said troubles come with breathing in John 16:33. His brother James told us…
Read MoreBut God
Preferring to understand the big picture, I embarked on a mission to comprehend God, vainly hoping the more I understood him and his nature and his essence, the better I could follow. Easier for an ant to assess Einstein. Unable to grasp the core of God in the vast distance between our natures, I drifted—until…
Read MoreA Whole New World
On a recent flight to Alaska for the wedding of a good friend, this traveling man received quite a shock. I’ve ridden a motorcycle in all 50 states and flown over most of the contiguous US, and love how an airplane window seat provides a God’s eye view of the world. I traced our trek from San Diego to Seattle over the California coast, Mt. Shasta in NorCal and Crater Lake in Oregon, culminating in Mt. Rainier. But as we left Seattle for Anchorage, something happened that totally rocked my world…
Read MoreCold Turkey Temptation
I’ve known a number of people who, upon coming into a connection with Jesus, had their greatest temptation removed, instantly. Kind of cold turkey, but without the withdrawal issues. In my own life, that process has also occurred…once or twice. Seeing those who have gone cold turkey, we may expect that to be the norm. If so, might we unknowingly make ourselves more vulnerable with false expectations on…
Read MoreSetting Your Spirit
The church building required refurbishing. Multiple decades had aged it, and the minimal remodeling spoke of bygone eras. Even worse, the entrance was on the opposite side of the parking lot, well hidden to first time visitors. Many people drove in, saw no entrance, and drove right out. So we embarked on a major project: cut into a retaining wall, install steps, remove vegetation, craft a new entrance by the parking, and paint the entire interior. One of our leaders, an Air Force officer, led the painting crew, and I struggled to say nothing as…
Read MoreGetting Beyond Ourselves--Love
At about thirteen, when I’d grown enough to be a fishing partner in the rugged Sierras, Dad initiated me into the mysteries of the fine art of pulling trout from mountain streams, a skill his grandfather had passed on to him. Learning from the master, we became fairly competitive on catching both the largest and most. Three years later, I landed a 16-inch rainbow on Oak Creek, huge there. I felt pretty confident until…
Read MoreFreedom?
I suspect all who either follow Jesus or are intrigued with him know he yearns for behavioral change in his people. But how should we respond when we fail? What does that say about our faith?
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