Aspire or Achieve?

Gathered worship touches my soul, regularly. The message that challenges me to a deeper love and connection and obedience. The songs that move my emotions and spirit. Talking to fellow believers to connect with them before and after the worship time. Even the announcements. Honest, because they talk about the body of Christ doing body of Christ stuff. But I struggle, regularly, with some of the song lyrics. Not the volume, not the style, not too much repetition, but the lyrics. Why? They make me sing something as a reality that always isn’t. Just one example…

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Flawed Irony

About a week ago a FB friend posted, about how learning more made him more aware of how much he didn’t know. As an ornery contrarian, I semi-jokingly responded, “So learning leads to ignorance, right?” Thankfully, he got it, and we’re still friends. At the time though, I didn’t realize I had a similar post planned for this week, so let’s look at another angle of the principle…

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Look Closer

I suspect we all have a favorite place, one that soothes our soul and calms our spirit. Where merely being there is all we need. I discovered one of mine back in 1994: the Mount Hermon Conference center, that has led to revisits. There, walks through the redwoods not only reveal God’s love of beauty, but they enhance the spiritual tone of the conferences I’ve attended. So, in 2019, I carved out some time to take a trail down to Bean Creek. And loving the art of trout fishing…

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Situational Awareness

As part of our 45th anniversary last February, we chose to celebrate it at a time share resort in northern California’s Clear Lake, and took off from SoCal. Waze did a fine job, usually, and bypassed us off the crowded 101 in the Bay Area. We approached the appropriate exit, with a lot of backed up traffic: three lanes for normal traffic, one empty lane on the right for FasTrak. She told us to get in the FasTrak lane, but we had no transponder, and I had no desire to lose the $271 fine without one, so I slowed down in one of the three lanes. Then…I noticed a decent sized sign on the FasTrak lane…

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Pronoun Changes

This grammar guy has some concern about changing pronouns. Not about changing personal pronouns to match our changing gender views, although the Chicago Manual of Style now accepts “their” as a singular pronoun for he or she. I think that’s awkward, but it’s not the concern here, so please don’t get sidetracked on gender. We have a much more significant aspect of changing pronoun usage, critically focusing on personal possessive pronouns. Who owns what? How? Why? What about my F150 pickup?

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Spiritual Plans

Plans sometimes get changed. Radically. My October Sierra plans were to fish Rock Creek until late Friday, then to head home and miss the Friday traffic. The snow in the pic above forced a revision. Waking to 2" of snow in my campground made outdoor cooking problematic, so I threw all my wet gear loosely into the back of the truck and headed home. Early. Not much later I walked into a Mickey D's in Lone Pine for coffee, only to meet a middle aged guy in shorts and a hoodie who asked…

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Quite a popular bumper sticker lately, particularly in our relativistic age which encompasses many paths to God. Some take it to mean coexist peacefully, disagree without killing one another. I support that. But if it means, “God is too big to fit into one place,” equating all belief systems, then I take issue.

Easter is the reason.

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When Demons Danced

Events aren’t always what they seem. A brief snapshot out of time cannot include what comes next, the rest of the story. We judge single happenings too quickly, in our shortsightedness and finitude. This concept hit me last fall, and I’ve waited to share this until now, maybe it can impact how we view the events that followed Palm Sunday by five days….

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