Well, the votes are in, the count nears an end, and subject to recounts and lawsuits and the Electoral College, we likely have a decision. As my rough estimate, this makes about 1/3 of us exuberant, 1/3 of us angry, and 1/3 OK with it. Feelings still run high, because Christians on both sides felt deeply, finding biblical reasons for their vote. But regardless of how our candidate did, what comes next for…
Read MoreGrace Givers
Quite a few decades back, when Dad still lived and could fish his beloved Sierra streams, we pulled off to the side of the road about where the South Fork of Oak Creek joined the main stream. With the limit then at ten per day per person and having 14, we agreed we’d each just get three to stay safe and went off in different directions for an hour or so. I pulled in three nice ones early and kept fishing, planning on releasing any I caught. Yeah, next hole I landed the biggest yet. BUT…
Read MoreOf Mountains and Miniatures
Two years back, our Gray Hogs group crossed the Canadian border to snag Mick’s goal of seeing why Banff is such a big deal. We took a circuitous route to Radium Hot Springs just because a biker at a MT hotel told us off a rustic but inexpensive motel there,.The next morning’s ride to Banff thrilled us despite the cold, and the city was nice. A bit overdeveloped, and we struggled to find a breakfast place, but with marvelous views in all directions. That satisfied Mick, and we headed north to Lake Louise. Quite pretty but overcrowded, so…
Read MoreUnderstanding Faith and Trump
Last week’s post, “Understanding Pro-Life and Biden,” had a fine discussion. Some thought I suggested voting for Biden—not at all. The purpose of the post was to help us understand the critical need to understand those with different views on issues that the Bible does not directly address as required…But understanding goes in two directions and…This week I ask those who favor Biden, or disapprove of Trump because they are not the same, to strive to understand why Christians can vote for Trump. Turn about is fair play. Once more, I ask you to understand, not to agree.
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Understanding Pro Life and Biden
Last week we explored the division between Christians on political issues, many of which center on abortion. In the interest of dampening the divide, maybe we need to understand the reasoning of those with a different opinion. Understanding doesn’t always mean agreement, but that we “get” both what others believe and why they believe it. This statement, signed by thousands of evangelicals, some well known leaders and some you’ve not heard of, explain their position on abortion and being pro-life and voting for Biden. I don’t ask you to agree with this, but prayerfully ask to understand their hearts. Maybe we can begin to…
Read MoreToday's Great Heresy
Facebook teaches theology, something I never expected. I’ve discovered it delves deep into what it means to follow Jesus. Lest you misinterpret this, please read it as sarcasm. Here’s one theology post, “You can not be a Christian and support Biden because he...” About the time I began to incorporate this into my theology, I came across another, “A Christian can not support Trump because he...” My mind began to…
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Keep Them as You Win Them
Take a look at the cross above, and which first comes to mind? The truth that Jesus’ death on the cross paid the debt for our sin and we can know him? The truth that we each must take up OUR cross daily, even at the risk of our life? Let me suggest that as we tell people about Jesus, we need to cover both. I learned that the hard way.
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A Tale of Two Trout
Rock Creek, a bit above Bishop CA, has built a fine reputation for fall fishing, with an appreciated bonus of the aspen turning their holy gold. But every rule has an exception, and September 2018 served that role. In a good 1/2 mile of fishing, quite a bit when going into and out of all the holes, not a single trout had any interest in anything I presented. Then came the first, the gentle nibble of a trout trying to discover if this was a meal, but not ready to commit himself. Just a taste. But I felt the tug and set the hook by raising the rod tip, and pulled out…
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