Last week’s post, “Understanding Pro-Life and Biden,” had a fine discussion. Some thought I suggested voting for Biden—not at all. The purpose of the post was to help us understand the critical need to understand those with different views on issues that the Bible does not directly address as required. As a follower of Jesus, I really don’t care who you vote for. Merely that you vote in an informed manner, that you strive to understand the other side, and that you disagree with respect and no insults. OK, in today’s climate that is a huge requirement, but those principles align with scripture.
But understanding goes in two directions and I have seen much knee jerk rejection coming from both sides. Last week I asked those who favor Trump to understand how pro-life Christians could have another opinion. Yes, some said I wasn’t a Christian for doing that, but that merely reinforced the need for these discussions. This week I ask those who favor Biden, or disapprove of Trump because they are not the same, to strive to understand why Christians can vote for Trump. Turn about is fair play. Once more, I ask you to understand, not to agree. Once more, this is not a political post, but one to increase our understanding. So no attacks or insults or blatant politics, or that post will be deleted. That applies to both Trump and the writer. Please don’t argue—understand.
I’ve asked a friend Don Otis, a noted author and a good thinker who understands the Bible to help us understand why Christians can join him in voting for Trump. Here’s his take:
“Churchill’s contemporaries charged that he lacked sound judgment. He was an eccentric; often intransigent. He once wrote, ‘Politicians rise by toil and troubles. They expect to fail; they hope to rise.’ Men of vision are tough. Donald Trump may be cut out of a similar cloth. He can be hard, belligerent, mean-spirited, and reactionary; perhaps like a boy who has not learned self-control. It can be cringe-worthy at times. So why would I vote for such a man?
It is certainly not because I see him as a fellow-believer. I refuse to be an apologist for him. For me, there is a singular answer. His policies regarding the life of the unborn are in stark contrast to his opponents. In Genesis God speaks to Cain, ‘Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.’ By killing the innocent we pollute the earth, literally. God’s crowning achievement is human life. He values it. He sent His Son to die for it.
At times He used ungodly Pharaohs, kings, judges, and disciples to accomplish His purposes. This is nothing new. If life is valuable to God, why would I not vote for someone whose policies and appointments are compatible with the One I serve?”
My goal: not that you would vote for a specific person, but that you understand how others can disagree. That we as followers of Jesus can express love to each other. Always.
Kick Starting the Application
Regardless of your current position, have you tried to understand why some Christians have a different position on pro-life and abortion and who to vote for? What is the tone of your language to those on the other “side?” Can you genuinely see how they might have reached a different conclusion? How can your social media posts change after reading this?