Hi, I'm Tim, and I'm...

“Hi, I’m Tim, and I’m a home reno project addict” could very well be how I introduce myself, if such a self-help group existed. I thought we had completed all the needed projects within a few years of moving back to Temecula, then about two weeks ago I saw the neighbor’s vines growing up their slope and over the small berm next to our lawn. So, I took…

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Changes and Mistakes

Funny how some changes and mistakes can benefit us. Although a regular at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers conference near Santa Cruz, I missed the previous seven years before returning in 2016. However, my confidence never dimmed regarding directions, so I left the map at home. Never even glanced at it. A well-traveled route. But Palm Sunday came early that year, right at the switch to Daylight Savings Time, and the conference changed its close from lunch to a 7:15 breakfast, so I left in the darkness at 6 AM, hoping to beat the metro LA afternoon traffic.

Those changes led to my mistake. You need…

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God Touches

Decades back, Wayne and I yearned to be the next stellar photo/journalist pair, and headed to Yosemite for material. He’d take the pics; I’d write the copy. You’ve heard of us, right? Yeah, thought so. On the long ride up, Wayne mentioned he saw every scene for its potential picture value. I thought that diminished one’s appreciation of creation’s beauty, so we chewed on it a bit. He didn’t convince me, until…

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Cursed by Quality

A few years back on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, our pastor made it a long week off. Most of the praise team grabbed the same opportunity. Totally deserved, by all of them. After decades as a pastor (not once leading music, praise God!), I know that spiritual leaders need recharging. Jesus patterned that for us, by the way. I suspect he knew some would slide into workaholism.

But their absence impacted the overall worship service. Our pastor does a fine job applying solid Bible truth to living as a follower of Jesus. Our praise team leads in both energetic and meditative genuine worship. And, frankly, the fill in teacher and pared down praise team just didn’t deliver the quality I…

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Try Some Road Kindness

Brad and I stopped to stroll to the General Sherman tree at Sequoia NP, then hopped back on the bikes heading for the north exit. As luck would have it, we quickly caught up to a very slow pickup towing a very big trailer, with double lines on the road, meaning “DON’T PASS,” so we obeyed. Yeah, we got frustrated a little at the pace, but the driver kindly took the first chance at a turnout, and our bikes became bikes again. As we carved the turns I pondered…

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Gates and Fences

A very good friend, Jeff Boyer, put up something on Facebook (never tell me it’s ALL garbage), and our interaction resulted in me asking him to do the post this week. Yes, he’s a real cowboy, not just a cowboy poet, an archeologist, and a very perceptive thinker. I think you’ll all be blessed! Oh yeah, we met in Taos. 😉

The boys are trailin’ the boss’s cows

from winter pastures to summer meadows ‘n’ grass,

talkin’ `bout nothin’ `cross the sage flats

on a thin trail toward the old Spanish Pass….

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Plan: for God and Obstacles

Our neighbor to the south put up a fence at our shared side property line—but for some reason, after 30 years, weather, nature, and decay won. So the new owner and I put up another of cedar, which would need paint to match our adjoining east fence, of painted cedar.

I planned on refreshing the south fence, so I pulled out my pressure nozzle to take off the dirt, but a surprisingly large amount of paint on the east fence sloughed off—requiring more scraping and priming and…

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