“Hi, I’m Tim, and I’m a home reno project addict” could very well be how I introduce myself, if such a self-help group existed. I thought we had completed all the needed projects within a few years of moving back to Temecula, then about two weeks ago I saw the neighbor’s vines growing up their slope and over the small berm next to our lawn. So, I took some measurements and went to the home supply stores for supplies and got my tools and started ripping out the rat-sheltering vines. You likely got as tired reading that sentence as I did with the work! Then I put some blocks down for a border, black plastic on the ground, and mulch on top.
Just about the time I thought I could relax, a very good and very mean friend (thanks Jerry!) told me of a small yet quite bright LED garage light that just screwed into the light socket, to replace the three old and dirty and dark shop lights hanging in our garage. Problem # 1: none of the three had a socket. So I picked the brain of a Home Depot electrical expert on how to get the wires and boxes and sockets installed. Screwing in the lights proved to be the easy-peasy part of the project. I then said “Let there be light,” flipped the wall switch, and the lights proved brighter than the noonday sun.
Now, a few tips earned with a lot of sweat and a few scratches and noticeably sore muscles. First, be productive. God created us to have projects, to not be slugs. Take care of our financial needs, impact others ministry-wise, keep our physical stuff in good shape. Or, make a change in the world. Second, accept your finite humanity. Frequent breaks allow us a chance for our bodies and minds to recuperate, and we become more productive than without them. Listen to your body, not just your goals.
Third, prioritize your tasks and rest times. Know yourself, and know the difference between the short-term urgent tasks and the sometimes more meaningful long-term ones. Don’t get stuck doing relatively minor tasks if more serious ones need some attention.
And last, in your tasks and rests, do your best. I love the encouragement, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Colossians 3:23-24).
Pretty heavy, isn’t it?
Kick Starting the Application
Where on the continuum of a couch potato at one end and a workaholic on the other do you land? Where would your spouse or close friends place you? Are you satisfied with that? Do you think God is? Do you take time to rest and recuperate, or just push on through? What is one change you can make this week to develop more balance?