under two minutes
I ate an entire berry pie
proving my gluttony
winning the blue ribbon
losing my love for berries for years
But today
having ridden the Honda sport bike almost 600 miles
having seen the massiveness of your mountains and the rolling green hills and verdant pastures
having smelled new mown hay and rain infused sage and mint
having viewed yearling deer grazing and red-tailed hawks soaring and chipmunks scurrying
having observed placid lakes and rushing rivers and slow irrigation ditches
my addiction to you
merely grows
Funny. With some things, overdoing it is deadly. Too much and I’m bored and done with it. But I’ve found that, like an addiction, connecting with God merely expands my desire. Unlike an addiction, I don’t necessarily need larger amounts of my “fix” to gain the same gain. But my hunger for God grows with more time spent with him. And, conversely, it decreases with less time.
I suspect that’s from the finite/infinite divergence in our being and God’s. How can the finite ever encompass the infinite? We just can’t exhaust the infinitude of God.
Strange, though, how we so run after the finite to feed our need for transcendence. Jobs, family, success, wealth and leisure are good, but inadequate goals to give our lives to.
What do you seek with your life? How’s it working for you? Where does the infinite fit in?