Last week we explored how we need to intentionally evaluate each decision on the basis of being a follower of Jesus. Today, let’s flip the coin, courtesy of an experience with a good friend from years back, Wayne Ragland.
Wayne and I yearned to be the next photo/journalist stellar pair, and headed to Yosemite for material. He’d take the pics; I’d write the copy. You’ve heard of us, right? Yeah, thought so. On the long ride up, Wayne mentioned he saw every scene for its potential picture value. I thought that diminished one’s appreciation of creation’s beauty, so we chewed on it a bit. He didn’t convince me, until I started writing in earnest, decades later.
Now, most events get evaluated for their spiritual importance. Will it work as a jumping off point for Unconventional? Does it have the potential for a book, or an article, or an example in either? Ironically, Wayne was right. In looking for spiritual significance I find spiritual significance. Significance that the event genuinely has, but that I wouldn’t have seen otherwise. Years ago, in an attempt to drive safe, we considered buying a Volvo. A slow tank, but a safe one. All of a sudden, I saw all these previously unseen Volvos on the road!
I’m convinced that looking for “God touches” in life will deepen our spiritual life. We become more aware of previously unseen touches by God. A verse from James1:17 turned me on to this principle: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.” If it’s good, it comes from God. That builds not only an awareness but an appreciation of God’s involvement in daily life. Those two build a deeper connection to God’s grace and love. We all win.
Of course, not all cars on the road are Volvos. Not all events are gifts from God. We need a discerning eye, one trained by experience. But we need to look for the hand of God before we can see it.
For the last couple of weeks, I’ve tried to make my last conscious thought, “God, thanks for the day, where you…” and I’ll then fill in the blanks. Not long or extensive, it just seems to set my mind on how good he is.
Kick Starting the Discussion
Do you regularly look for God touches? How would you define them? What keeps you from doing so more regularly? As you look for God touches, what most amazes you?