Blog post from Dan DeWitt
Bad news has abounded of late, hasn’t it? COVID: with over one-half million deaths. Political division: where Christians question the faith of fellow followers who disagree on political issues. An armed mob at the Capitol. Immigrant families being separated at the border, still. Persecution for people of faith: with Christians and adherents of other faiths being imprisoned or killed for their beliefs worldwide. A culture that has abandoned a common morality. Hope for a better future seems pretty dim.
So how do we respond? Some increase their political activity in an attempt to change our trajectory. Others seem to withdraw and limit or avoid awareness of bad news. But perhaps followers of Jesus need to not rely on either of these, but on God. A good friend Dan DeWitt posted this meme a week or so ago, and it touched me deeply. One simple verse. One profound issue of who do we trust the most to care for us, to protect us, to get us through?
But we need to see the context. That Psalm begins, “How joyful are those who fear the LORD and delight in obeying his commands.” So the first question: do we want to have joy overflow in us in the midst of bad news? Step one: delight in obeying him. Not grudgingly, but happily. For those who desire joy in response to bad news, regardless of your political persuasion, obey God. Love your enemies—act in ways that will bless them. Pray for those who mistreat you. Treat all with kindness, not anger or alienation. Unless you’re willing to let God bring those traits into your life in the midst of bad news, you limit both your obedience and your joy in facing difficulties.
For step two, examine verse six in light of verse one, “Such people (joyful ones who obey) will not be overcome by evil.” Or, obey God in how you love your enemies and opponents, and you will not be overcome. By culture. By those who stand against you. That means we don’t rely on political solutions or power to keep us on track, to keep from being overwhelmed with the all so present evil in our world today. God alone has the power to get us through bad news. Not the Democrats. Not the Republicans. Not the independents. Not the Supreme Court. Not…well, fill in the blank. This is God’s job. Alone. We do not rely on any political or cultural support to live out our faith and thrive.
Third, go back to verse one, “They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the LORD to care for them.” Do we want to follow God’s method on dealing with the bad news that abundantly fills our days? Then trust in God. Not politics. Not our personal power. Not in a return to the good old days. All it takes is God, according to God. Yes, we follow the news. Yes, we vote. Yes, we do what we can. But we don’t rely on them. We confidently trust the LORD.
Kick Starting the Application
What is your strategy for dealing with bad news, whether political or persecution or the problems of life? How has that worked for you? Do you face bad news with joy or dread? What does that suggest about what or who you rely on most? How can you change?