My last school used two works to explore the American Dream: The Great Gatsby who achieved it and lost, and Death of a Salesman, where Willie Loman didn’t achieve the dream yet also lost. But Willie Loman’s wife Linda had a haunting line, in talking about the irony of finally paying off the family house after their two sons had moved out, “Life is a casting off.” Or, a series of letting go of some dreams and activities.
By 72 I’d learned
life contains no one secret
to contentment
but I do know a few
Learn to let go
not of all
but continually paring life down
leaves us free to move beyond
Age can be a cause
I let go of playing tackle in my late 40s
when my body told me it was time
but competitive flag continued
into my mid 50s
and left
and fast-corning bikes left at 71
when my body again whispered
“you need a Goldwing now”
vocational ministry was God’s call
but he released me for greater impact
solo backcountry fishing trips near their end
my balance tells me so
Decisions from others can cause letting go
Events…the list could go on
But remember
many joys and dreams come to pass
not to stay
so enjoy what they brought
and wave a grateful goodbye
Life comes in seasons, and seasons pass. Here’s an intriguing example. Peter began the outreach to the Gentiles in Acts 10, and I thought that appropriate. Lightly educated, a stinky fisherman, not one the Jews would embrace. On the other hand, Paul was a highly educated and respected Jew, even a Pharisee. He’d be perfect to reach the Jews. And when he came to Jesus, he began teaching in the Jewish synagogues.
But those aspects of Peter’s and Paul’s lives were just seasons, not a life. In Acts 9:15, God chose Paul as the apostle to the Gentiles, not his original target. Peter became the apostle to the Jews. Maybe we can pick up a life lesson: hold on to the temporary with a loose grip.
Yes, cling to God with all your might. Make your marriage a healthy life. Seek truth because it typifies the nature of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But realize that growth can only occur when we let go of the good to find the better. When we attune ourselves to the spiritual seasons of life.
I appreciate this focus, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen (the physical world and activities), but on what is unseen (God’s realm. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18).
Kick Starting the Application
Do you sometimes hold onto seasons too much? What causes you to value them as you do? Have you seen seasons pass, only for something better to come? What are some seasons whose time to pass has come? How can you deepen your trust in God getting you through the change of seasons?